How to define your brand's tone of voice

How to define your brand's tone of voice

Defining your brand’s tone of voice

Why a clear tone of voice is important and how to define yours.

In an ever-digital world, design – really good design – is now an expectation from consumers.

Beautifully branded websites, products, packaging, etc. is the herald of a smart brand that wants to capture attention.

And consumers have come to expect this level of detail at every step of the customer/client journey – your web experience, your social media platforms and much more.

But when great design has become the norm, how to businesses stand out and grow a loyal client base?

This is where a clear and strong tone of voice is essential.


A clear and defined tone of voice engages potential clients and establishes your company or brand as a ‘being’ in its own right.

It forms trust and instils loyalty.

A strong tone of voice means that you are clear on who you are and can communicate that purpose to your target audience.

It ensures your business is memorable, has heart and converts.


So, what exactly is tone of voice? Tone of voice is what you say and how you say it.

But, how do you go about defining this for your company?

First things first - people like to do business with people. So, start by thinking about your company as a person.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What are the core values of my business?

  • What makes it different to my competitors/how is it unique?

  • Have I clearly defined my audience, so I understand how I need to communicate with them?

  • What does my business sound like? i.e. do we speak casually with a friendly tone when talking with clients, or are we more formal and direct?

Once you can answer these questions, you should have a clear picture of who your business is and how it should communicate.

It’s important to ensure that the heart of your business (and its personality) shines through at every touch point – whether that be email, social media, the customer journey or in person.

The words you write and the images you use will shape how your audience perceives your business and brand.


Offering real value in the way you talk to people and being consistent builds trust with your audience.

And don’t fall into the trap of adopting a tone of voice that you believe you ‘should’ have i.e. an accounting firm should have a ‘serious’ tone of voice.

Instead, be uniquely you.

A great example of a defined tone of voice, that is consistent across every touch point, is @gotoskincare. Even their cookies consent pop-up is on brand. Go on, have a look.

So, if you’ve got great design – tick! – you’ve got their attention.

But if you want to convert and build trust with your audience, having a clear tone of voice will keep them coming back.


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